The Christmas/Holiday Season is upon us.
Shopping continues. Credit Cards racked. Blood pressure rises.
Still, there is glorious gaming to be done. Especially mobile gaming since, well, 90% of time I'm on the move. ;)
So here is what I've been occupied with.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for Android/iOS - I've been playing this on my Sony Tablet S with great joy. I never got into GTA until the PS3/PSP era. So, I missed out on the original PS2 trilogy of titles (I was a GameCube junky back then). The re-releases have allowed me to play some catch up. Vice City. Oh my! it starts with a C-64 boot screen. Holy crap! It starts with a C-64 boot screen! There's my childhood right there! Then a Mr. Mister song plays during the first cinematic cut scene. ** cue tears ** The music. Oh, my... Nostalgia is a powerful thing. The title looks and plays great alongside Rockstar Games billion dollar production values. It's $4.99 on your favourite mobile/tablet device right now. Do yourself a favour and get it now!
Madden NFL 13 for PS Vita - NFL playoffs are right around the corner and it looks like my Packer real life and video game franchise teams are going to make them. This title was a little rough out of the gates. Then update 1.1 arrived and then... Holy crap! You've never played a portable Madden like this before. Full gameplay! Full HD presentation! All the bells and whistles of the console experience. Yeah, I am loving every minute of it! :)
Persona 4: Golden for PS Vita - Wow! Wow! Wow! This series is treasured by the gaming community. I've never played any of these before until now. I'm not disappointed Great storytelling. Awesome voice acting. Beautiful graphics. Plus, it plays pretty good too. ;) Another killer app for the Vita right here folks. I love the characters in this game, their just so rounded out. Just talking about this game, makes me wanna play some more right now. :)
LittleBigPlanet for PS Vita - Another Vita killer app. The game that keeps on giving. The campaign is the best a LBP title has delivered. Everything from touch to back track pad control is executed flawless The online creative community is on fire! Everything from full RPGs to 8-bit action platforms are ready for you to download right now for FREE! Do yourself a favour and get a Vita and this game. :)
Retro City Rampage for PS Vita/PS3 - Lets' wrap things up with a modern nostalgic game that celebrates the entire realm of the gaming industry. This 8-bit GTA glows with video gaming and film references it just puts a big ole' smile on your face! Featuring "Transfarring" between the Vita and PS3, which is essentially cloud saving between the two pieces of hardware. Playing on my PS3 at home, then I'm popping the save into the "cloud", finally copying it into my Vita to continue my progress on the go. This is awesome! The future of gaming, TODAY!
There ya go! That's the awesomeness that I've been playing!
Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Happy Gaming!