It was only six months ago when Sony of Japan announced their intention to release their next tablet. After two previous attempts, the Sony Tablet S and Xperia S, this third generation tablet was finally going to combine all of Sony's tech and innovations into one product.
The tablet itself was reflective of Sony's own flagship smartphone, the Xperia Z. This phone is the company's first attempt at a real premium product. Reviews for it have been fantastic, with it's power, speed, durability, water proof ability and top it off, that sleek sexy Sony design. Who better to design this new tablet, than the makers of the Xperia Z themselves?
Today, the tablet is finally out.
Reviews have been fantastic. Pointing out an elegant, durable, powerful device that screams the best Sony has to offer. I honestly can't wait to get mine, direct from Sony themselves.
It's been an interesting ride for Sony during these tablet wars. The Tablet S was a great product, appearing on the market a little too late. However, it's unique wedge design and host of exclusive, slick apps made it an award winning piece of hardware.
Their next attempt, the Xperia S, again arrived late to the market. It took a beating, sold strictly in Sony Stores in Canada and had been recalled for hardware issues with it's waterproofing.
It's nice to see that the third time's the charm. Have I mentioned I really, really, really want mine now! ;)
Super Happy Sony Smile Time Update:
Here is a sampling of quotes and links to reviews for the must have tablet of 2013. Enjoy!
"Dare we say it? Yes, we dare: this is probably our favourite of the bigger tablets on the market right now." -
"This 10-inch slate boasts an incredibly slim design, with the sort of stark, minimalist aesthetic that wil earn you some jealous looks in the buisness class lounge at the airport." -
"Sony's SideView TV app and remote control mini-app offer up one of the easiest second-screen combinations we've ever used." -
"The Sony Xperia Tablet Z is one of the most beautiful tablets we have ever seen, and the fact that it's so light is even better." -