Friday, September 13, 2013


Where to begin? Hmm...

Honestly, this is a game that I've been waiting for, for a long time. Was it worth it? Oh, hell yes.
Who would have thought that my favourite FPS currently is on the PS VITA? I want more. I hope it sells big. I hope Sony has big plans for this game. More content? Bots for multiplayer? A sequel? All the above, please.

This game hooks you in and never lets go. The level design is awesome. Mission structure remains fresh and interesting as you progress through objectives. Just as you thought the game couldn't get any better, it shifts into another gear. Oh, yes! I like!

The plot is great stuff, the best the series has ever offered. It's tied directly into the mission structure, so its tough to not talk about either without spoiling. So all I'll say is that its good, really good stuff.

Gameplay is smooth as butter. Fire fights are intense. People will bitch about the touch controls, but I liked them. It added more to the experience and tests your skill more. Those who complained, probably aren't manly enough to play this game. Oh, snap! I just went there. ;)
Multiplayer is killer. Those who played the open beta got a bit of a taste. The full meal deal is much more. I'm the kinda gamer who generally doesn't give two poops about online multiplayer, but damn it's good. All of your actions from online to offline single player contribute to bucks or monies. Which of course, you use to buy awesome new weapons and equipment. Any mode you play gives back to you. Now that's sweet stuff.

Let's wrap this up. I muscled through the single player campaign in two days. I couldn't stop playing it until work, sleep or daddy duties got in my way. I was hooked thanks to triple-A presentation, graphics, voice acting, game design and play. This portable game kicks the crap out of a lot of big console experiences. If you have a Vita, go get this game. If you don't have a Vita, this is another killer app for it. Do yourself a favour and go get one now.

Killzone: Mercenary retails for $39.99 in stores. A digital download is available on the PSN for $35.99. Make sure you have at least an 8GB memory card for the digital version since it clocks in under 5GB.

Monday, September 9, 2013

SONY TGS 2013: What's Coming West?

I'm sure many gamers out there where excited about Sony's Japanese TGS announcements. Let's keep them at that, Japanese retail revelations. However, what's gonna hit the west? Let's take a peek.


Is it coming to North America? Not a chance.

A very tiny, sexy console dedicated strictly to playing PS VITA games on your big HD tv. Oh and it can also stream PS4 games as well. BAM! Clearly this is a console strictly for the Japanese market. When you consider that the PS4 isn't launching there until February. We're getting the next gen platform in a matter months. PS VITA TV is clearly aimed to tied the consumers over until it's arrival. Plus, Japan loves the Vita. They'll buy this device just to expand their Vita delights.


Available in multiple colors. LCD replaces the OLED screen.  Thinner, lighter and more battery life. Is it coming to the west? Yes, just don't it expect it right away. What about all those colors? You'll see black, white and blue make it here but that's probably about it.


I love Phantasy Star. My first experience was the glorious Dreamcast epic Phantasy Star Online. Oh the memories. *sniff* What was announced was Phantasy Star Nova which appears to be much like the awesome PSP games in the series. I want.

Chances of it arriving in the west? 50% chance.

Phantasy Star Online 2 has been in Japan for over a year. It has also appeared in other Asian markets, but that game's chances of coming here are nill. It launched with server issues and I don't think Sega wants to deal with a worldwide server crash issue, much like Square Enix is experiencing with its latest Final Fantasy game.

However, this stand alone title in the series isn't online dedicated but back to it's single player roots. Yeah, it might actually make it here.

Pretty please.


Sony's latest blockbuster game for the Vita is becoming a franchise. Soul Sacrifice Delta appears to be an enhanced edition of the original game with more content added to the already jam packed epic.

Chances of it coming west? 90% chance.

It's coming. I guess as an exclusive PSN title. I loved Soul Sacrifice and I would enjoy more.


Chances of it landing across the pond? 100% chance.

Yeah, it's coming. The more storage, the better. Hell I purchased a 32gb memory card on the Vita's launch and that wasn't cheap! That was before the current price drop on them. Still, I can attest that even with a 32gb memory card, it's still not enough. Especially since the majority of my purchases have been digital PSN content and with the upcoming Killzone: Mercenary is weighing in nearly 5gb after an update. Crap, I could use a bigger card.

So there you have it. Lots of exciting PlayStation content is coming, hopefully to North America. Crossing my fingers for all that Vita goodness to arrive in The Great White North.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Rayman Legends is Phenomenal

There are some games that just put a big ole' smile on your face. Rayman Legends is one of them.

Please go get this game now. I'm loving it on my PS VITA in all its HD glory. Download it off the PSN right now for $36 bucks. It's only 1gig big. You can squeeze it on your card or go buy it at retail. Point is, go... Get... It... Now!!!

Currently I have around half a dozen games going on my VITA and PS3. I thought I couldn't throw Rayman into the mix but I was wrong. This is such a joy to play. It's fun, colourful and just challenging in the right spots. The graphics are beautiful. I can't see a pixel or a polygon anywhere. It's just this gorgeous animated delight. It's the perfect VITA game with it's bite sized level design. Presentation has spared no expence, you are getting the full HD console experience here. Word on the street has it that there are a few missing levels. Ubisoft officially responded that this content will be patched in alongside 5 additional exclusive VITA levels for free. Definitely more bang for your buck.

Do you sence a pattern here? Yes, my praise could go on forever.

Hungry for some damn good platforming? Hungry for one of the best game's in recent years? Then go help Rayman out and become a legend.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Killzone: Liberation Conquered on PSP

I have a confession to make.

I've only completed 2 out of the 4 currently available Killzone games. Shocking! Especially since it is one of my favourite Sony franchises. It may also be my favourite "shooter" franchise. Period. Yep, you heard that right.

Killzone 2 and 3 have had multiple play throughs and completions. However, the classics, Killzone for the PlayStation 2 and Killzone: Liberation for the PlayStation Portable have sat in my collection for some time. Neglected? Yes, but still loved. Time to complete the neglected! The original Killzone, I'm currently completing via the PlayStation 3 HD collection. The oldie looks pretty slick in HD from it's original SD presentation. I should be done it soon, but for now, the first portable entry has been tackled, focused and completed.

I finished the game via a PlayStation Vita and PSP GO, completing numerous challenges and the main campaign to its original 4 chapter release. I copied my save file to a PS3 and copied it to a PSP GO to fully complete the camapign with the downloadable chapter 5. Check it out online on how to aquire this additional chapter. Sadly it's unplayable on a Vita due to it's whacky file structure, which is alien to the PSP's. However if you have a PSP or a GO kicking around, it's no problem to install.

Liberation trades in the traditional FPS look of the franchise to a Diablo/Baldur's Gate 3rd person view. It looks beautiful. A fresh take on the series, still packed with plenty of challenge and things to shoot at. Presentation is top notch. Featuring a fully orchestrated score, decent voice acting and a sweet narrative. I wouldn't expect any less from a Sony 1st party game.

It's tough as nails. Yeah, surprise! It's a Killzone game. I wouldn't expect any less from a Killzone game. Word of advice, complete as many Challenge Games as you can before further pursuing the single player campaign. You'll increase your character's skills and weapon slots.

So after a week of focus, the game comes to an end. Another notch in my Killzone belt. Level design is pretty darn good. Especially chapters 4 and 5. Things blow up really good and the game addictivly keeps you hooked. It's definitely worth playing and cheap to aquire as a digital PSN purchase or new/used UMD.

I'm writing this 6 days before the release of the Vita exclusive Killzone: Mercenary which I'm excited to play. Europe just got it. I have to wait an extra week to own it. However it's getting fantastic reviews across the pond and good things come to those who wait.

All That Sony, PlayStation and Vita Stuff Just Happened

I can't even remember the last time I blogged. Well pooh, It was on July 5th, 2013... which was some time ago.

What have I done since then? Oh boy, lots of stuff.

I'm going to focus on Sony goodies since that is what I like. I also assume that is why you are here. 

Saw Elysium in theatres opening day. I loved it. It's a different beast than District 9. The fan community have a love/hate relationship with Elysium but I think general audiences will enjoy it more. Of course, I can never complain about the way Blomkamp integrates real and CGI imagery, it truly is visually mesmerizing.

Sony's IFA 2013 just happened and I'm in love with their external QX Smart Lens. I want one now. This is the one cell phone accessory I believe, most people want. Awesome stuff.

Sony was at Gamescom 2013 as well with the big announcement of the PlayStation 4 launch. November 15th in North America and November 29th for the rest of the world. More important to me however, where the PlayStation Vita announcements  A price drop for the handheld resulting in a $199.99 price for all current and future bundles. Plus, the announcement of a portable Borderlands 2 made me giggle in delight.

I'll wrap this quick post up. What's for the future of the blog. A podcast will be here shortly, lining a few guests and topics. It will be fun stuff. Plus, more posts. I love me some Sony. I love me some movies. I also love me some games and stuff so there is always enjoyable stuff to ramble on about.

Until next time...